Written in Light

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Written in Light

Brought to you by Son of Thunder
Speakers: Ian Clayton, Lindi Masters, Ricky Nieuwenhuis & Du Wen Soh
Sessions: 12 Audio Teachings + 4 Musical Worship Sessions
*This product is included in the Son of Thunder Membership. Visit sonofthundermembership.com to find out more (and access 500+ teachings). 

Includes the following sessions: 

S1 - Ian Clayton - Quantum Entanglement

Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in quantum physics where two or more particles become interconnected in such a way that the state of one particle instantly influences the state of the other(s), regardless of the distance between them.

What might it look like to be have quantum entanglement with Yahweh and his faces and what function might that serve?

S2 - Lindi Masters - Year of the Window 

2025 is the year if the window. What does that mean?

S3 - Ricky Nieuwenhuis - Hope of our Future

In this session Ricky speaks about the encounter he had with Moshe(Moses). Moshe became a sacrifice by becoming the Law. This was for the Hope of what he had seen in the future. 

S4 - Ian Clayton - Kings and Lords 

This is "the Kings Ramble." A session covering many topics from: Kingship, sonship and Wisdom to being a Prince and Lord of all. 

S5 - Lindi Masters - Government vs Influence

Do you think a social media 'influencer' has government?

S6 - Ricky Nieuwenhuis - Judge to Life

In the session Ricky speaks about the power of Signs that will follow Sons in their rightful position of Government. True Judgement is to look for the evidence of the blood of Yeshua on the lives of those who are walking out their scroll within creation.

S7 - Ian Clayton - The Function of Justice

When Justice comes, he doesn't come to take sides. He comes to take over

Righteousness is empowered by the engagement of holiness in the face of the earth. When Righteousness comes down here, it empowers you as a being to turn away from corruption because corruption no longer has a hold on you.

S8 - Lindi Masters - Planting the Heavens

Sharing revelation that's not your own doesn't work, it'll wither and die. We must know for ourselves the revelation we speak, and from that place, we can plant the heavens. 

S9 - Lindi Masters - Sons of Light

How do we become a son of light and why do we need to know who we truly are. 

S10 - De Wen Soh - Dream of Yahweh

In this session, De Wen talks about the establishment of the mountain of Yahweh to facilitate the creation of a new heaven and a new earth. He describes the structure of the throne of God and the treasuries around the throne, and how the structure has changed because we have stepped into a new day.

S11 - Ian Clayton - Heavens Treasury 

Heavens Treasury; where is it, why do we need to know about it and how do we engage with it?

S12 - Ian Clayton - Guarding your Heart, 1000 Year day + Leverage Trade 

This sessions begins with a short overview on guarding your heart and 1000 year day, which leads into a time of leverage trading. 

If you wish to participate, click the trade button in the top right of the page, or head here: https://sonofthunder.org/pages/trade


4x Worship Sessions


Written in Light

Brought to you by Son of Thunder
Speakers: Ian Clayton, Lindi Masters, Ricky Nieuwenhuis & Du Wen Soh
Sessions: 12 Audio Teachings + 4 Musical Worship Sessions
*This product is included in the Son of Thunder Membership. Visit sonofthundermembership.com to find out more (and access 500+ teachings). 

Includes the following sessions: 

S1 - Ian Clayton - Quantum Entanglement

Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in quantum physics where two or more particles become interconnected in such a way that the state of one particle instantly influences the state of the other(s), regardless of the distance between them.

What might it look like to be have quantum entanglement with Yahweh and his faces and what function might that serve?

S2 - Lindi Masters - Year of the Window 

2025 is the year if the window. What does that mean?

S3 - Ricky Nieuwenhuis - Hope of our Future

In this session Ricky speaks about the encounter he had with Moshe(Moses). Moshe became a sacrifice by becoming the Law. This was for the Hope of what he had seen in the future. 

S4 - Ian Clayton - Kings and Lords 

This is "the Kings Ramble." A session covering many topics from: Kingship, sonship and Wisdom to being a Prince and Lord of all. 

S5 - Lindi Masters - Government vs Influence

Do you think a social media 'influencer' has government?

S6 - Ricky Nieuwenhuis - Judge to Life

In the session Ricky speaks about the power of Signs that will follow Sons in their rightful position of Government. True Judgement is to look for the evidence of the blood of Yeshua on the lives of those who are walking out their scroll within creation.

S7 - Ian Clayton - The Function of Justice

When Justice comes, he doesn't come to take sides. He comes to take over

Righteousness is empowered by the engagement of holiness in the face of the earth. When Righteousness comes down here, it empowers you as a being to turn away from corruption because corruption no longer has a hold on you.

S8 - Lindi Masters - Planting the Heavens

Sharing revelation that's not your own doesn't work, it'll wither and die. We must know for ourselves the revelation we speak, and from that place, we can plant the heavens. 

S9 - Lindi Masters - Sons of Light

How do we become a son of light and why do we need to know who we truly are. 

S10 - De Wen Soh - Dream of Yahweh

In this session, De Wen talks about the establishment of the mountain of Yahweh to facilitate the creation of a new heaven and a new earth. He describes the structure of the throne of God and the treasuries around the throne, and how the structure has changed because we have stepped into a new day.

S11 - Ian Clayton - Heavens Treasury 

Heavens Treasury; where is it, why do we need to know about it and how do we engage with it?

S12 - Ian Clayton - Guarding your Heart, 1000 Year day + Leverage Trade 

This sessions begins with a short overview on guarding your heart and 1000 year day, which leads into a time of leverage trading. 

If you wish to participate, click the trade button in the top right of the page, or head here: https://sonofthunder.org/pages/trade


4x Worship Sessions

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